I’m an engineer through and through. I love to find problems, think about them a lot and then find a creative solution. My favourite puzzles so far have been a blend of software and electronics, but in my mind, communicating with people is just as, if not more, important than writing code and being happy when your prototype finally works.

This website is a place for me to store a history of what I have worked on, and hopefully explore new ideas going forward. I am still learning all the time - in fact, the more I learn, the more I realise that the people I look up to don’t know everything. It is their ability to understand what they are being told and trust the people they work with that defines their success. So I’m trying to be a bit more like that.

At the Ring of Kerry, Ireland
At the Ring of Kerry, Ireland

Github Accounts

Github is an online repository for software which is used in many industries now as a standard for version control.

I use it when I can for personal projects here.

And when working on projects which we want to be open to the world, either to share or to take advantage of the open source eco system, I use this account.


Exercism is a free online platform for completing coding exercises and wokring with code mentors to improve yourself as a programmer. I have been using it recently to test myself and expand my knowledge of programming languages.

My personal account is full of the Haskell exercises I have been completing, which you can view here.

My work account is more of a scatterring of several languages which reflects the needs of different teams at my company that I am interested in understanding. You can see that work here.